sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019

comment 19


Have you ever been stung by a bee? Surely. Many people who have suffered this say that it is a horrible experience. But, do you know bees can funtion like an alternative therapy?

Apitherapy, as the experts call it, is a traditional folk remedy which is used in many other countries. This consists in taking advante of the healing power contained in honeybee venom to alleviate serious illnesses like multiple sclerosis, arthritis and lupus.

Many people who have tried this remedy say that it works. However, not all people think the same.
Proffesional doctors say that this method can be dangerous for allergic persons and can vary from person to person.

In my opinion alternative therapies can very good to fight diseases, but we have to be careful because sometimes they can be dangerous.

Lucía Guirado Ruiz 4ºA.

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