miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

composition 07


Boot camps are places where people go to prepare physically and to train very hard. Sometimes they are sent there because they behave badly or to try to change their basic routines. Personally, I think boot camps are a good idea for people who has low self-esteem and want to find a motivation.

Teenagers especially sometimes start to have bad behaviors and they leave school very soon. So, the only solution their parents find is to send them to boot camps. There, they prepare them physically and mentally.

At first, people find the training very difficult when they arrived. This is probably normal because they are not used to doing this type of exercises. But they strive everyday. As a result, they improve their self-esteem.

In my opinion, boot camps are a good idea for people who are more or less physically prepared because they are very hard workouts.

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